What are the Best Smoothies to Make with Winter Fruits and Vegetables?

There’s nothing wrong with eating strawberries in winter even though they aren’t in season where you live (if you are in the northern hemisphere like me!). But there’s also something to be said for eating what’s in season.  The same applies to ingredients for smoothies – winter fruits and vegetables make for brilliant healthy drinks.  But what are the best smoothies to make with them?

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Best winter seasonal ingredients

Now there’s nothing that says you can only make smoothies with ingredients that are in season.  But if you want to get into seasonal eating, then here are some of the best fruits and vegetables in season in winter.

winter fruits including pear, pomegranate and clementine
  • Apples – all kinds of apples are available in winter including cooking apples like Bramley and others that are great for smoothies
  • Beetroot – a great source of fibre and Vitamin C plus the drink turns a cool bright pink colour
  • Celery – mildly bitter flavour but can work in green smoothies with strong-flavoured ingredients.  Extra sieving might be needed to ensure the stringy bits are gone
  • Clementine – smaller and sweeter than tangerines, they also have lots of juice
  • Cranberry – full of good nutrients and help with a range of health issues
  • Kale – another one to add to green smoothies and boost the nutritional value of the drink
  • Pear – various different varieties are available all with their own slightly unique taste
  • Pomegranate – the red seeds bring a bright colour to drinks

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Simple winter smoothies

The key to any smoothie is getting the right balance of the base and the other ingredients to get a good consistency – unless you are aiming for a smoothie bowl then it can be thicker!  For example, here’s what you would need for a cranberry kale smoothie:

  • 1 bunch of kale
  • ½ cup cranberries
  • 1 cup coconut water (base)
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 tbsp honey
cranberry kale smoothie recipe

You can strip the stalks from the kale if there are any then add everything to the blender and give it a good blitz.  If the mixture is a little thick, add some more of the coconut water base.  Or if it is too thin, you can add a few more cranberries or a little more kale.

Winter Ingredient Smoothies

Make these seasonal smoothies with delicious ingredients that are around at their freshest in winter.

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